Thursday, July 23, 2015

Categorizing Walk-In Tubs And Baths

Categorizing Walk-In Tubs And BathsStep in or walk in bathtubs are perhaps one of the most useful new concepts that is gaining popularity in bathrooms around the earth. So what is a walk in bathtub? Read on to find out.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Religion Can Harm Kids — But It Isn’t Child Abuse

Last week blogger Neil Carter, of Godless in Dixie fame, wrote a blog that has raised the ire of a whole mess of atheists. The blog was headlined: Stop Saying That Teaching Children Creationism Is Child Abuse. In it, he argues that theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss got it wrong when he claimed, on an Australian show called [Read More...]

Monday, July 6, 2015

Airplanes Over Australia

Q. Dear Lynn, In Sydney right now, there are airplanes (that look like normal commercial airplanes) passing by our area here in an interval as short as 2 minutes. They have kept coming one after another and only stopped for a few hours. It has happened this intensely for 1 day and a half already - or more (so you can imagine how many had flown by). Now they don't even use military helicopters or police cars around this area but normal-looking private-used cars.

What in these air-planes that you see? Do they carry important people or something else important? What are they preparing for? What event is about to come in the following weeks or months in this particular area or even the whole Australia? Thank you so much for your help. With love and many blessings.
A. I get this activity comes and goes. I see an image of islands that is to the east or northeast of Sydney that is really the place of interest. They are flying over Sydney going to and from this group of islands that looks to have a semi secretive base (people know it is there, but isn't really talked about and is downplayed when it is addressed.

Then I ask, What is on this island base that is taking up more activity.. It has this "feel" of housing some key people during some kind of negotiation. Because these key people are here, the security and alert is extra high. I get there is a secret meeting place, and more than normal face to face interactions are occurring right now.

Who is there? Who is this key person?
The message I hear is that these are people that are meeting that you wouldn't normally expect to see together or would be highly suspect of something happening if you were to see them together. I also get that it has to do with a drill on the eastern shores of Australia, like people are pooling up to come to the rescue after this "event" happens. They feel tied to security and safety. I keep seeing images of Russia (and ask what they would be doing there??) and there is some kind of secret alliance forming (then I pose, Why?) and I get it is because if they secretly make an alliance with Russia (and it has to be on the quiet), then Russia will promise to help protect them [Australia] from the "ISIS" situations that are going on in the world. There also needs to be some kind of false flag (with troops close by to form a rescue) in order to be able to talk and convince other lawmakers that this alliance is a good idea and in the greater good for Australia. I don't see this as a blatant, in the open deal (in fact there is some shame tied to it), but feels necessary for the protection of the people.

And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-

Sunday, July 5, 2015

REMINDER - Weekly Meditation Tomorrow 7/5/2015

Scheduled Meditation with a Weekly Focus

Hello everyone! I had a great idea submitted to me to hold a weekly meditation with the goal being to focus on one topic each week. Once you go into the meditation and feel yourself as being balanced, send healing, love and positive energy in that direction of that weeks focus. Collectively we can make a difference (and it is important that you realize and believe it!). Intent is everything!

I would like to set this up for 9 AM EST each Sunday for four consecutive Sundays. If you cannot join in at 9, join in when you can. Positive thoughts are always welcome whether you are meditating, riding in a car, or sitting quietly for a few moments at work.

Here is a schedule (that we can modify depending on comments that come in).. Let's start on June 21st in celebration of the summer solstice (when energy is already high).

June 21st: Focus on a collective conscious rise in vibration with a focus on togetherness, oneness and connectedness to each other. Realize we are all one.
June 28th: Take our oneness and use that strength to address any past karmatic issues or trauma housed in the oneness (crimes against humanity or other beings). Dismiss them and strengthen the bonds between all of us elevating our vibration along the way.
July 5th: Focus on healing the earth. We have all the resources we need to live, and when we continue to give back to the earth, it will continue to provide. We are surrounded with abundance. *On this same topic A Man Called Dada forwarded me an article regarding healing water. If we all took some time to do this (on a small or big scale), this could be a beautiful step in putting energy and healing into our water. I encourage you to read this and share it.
July 12th: Focus on banishing the effects of fear. See items causing fear (finances, politics, etc) as a statement of knowledge and learning, but disengage from the emotion (which just makes it stronger). Eventually these tactics become ineffective, and from there peace can begin to blossom.

I look forward to "seeing" you there. Love and light- Lynn

Friday, July 3, 2015

The Stoneage: An Era Of Realization and Knitters

This Is A Work In Progress The Stone Age is a broad prehistoric period during which stone was widely used to make implements with a sharp edge, a point, or a percussion surface. They were learning to knit together a civil existence. Stone Age artifacts include tools used by modern humans and by their predecessors. Bone tools were used during this period as well but are rarely preserved in the archaeological record. Let's be more appreciative of our Stone Age ancestors. They were some of the...

Greece and Other World Economies

Q. Could you do a reading concerning the situation about Greece. According to the mainstream media people are desperately collecting their money from the banks. And why is the EU so concerned about saving Greece or is it a back door for the relocation of money. Maybe there is more to it than they will tell us.
A. I do see Greece is in a very uncertain place right now. They feel so vulnerable that a small act of free will can really alter the results. If they stay on the current momentum, I get that the demands for repayment for their current loans will not be able to be paid. They do not have the economy to support such large repayment plans (and still survive). They were desperate and agreed to their current terms for support that they hoped (but feared) they could meet.

I see that a plan is being devised to somehow cut them loose from the European market (almost like they are being insulated so their economy situation cannot have as much damage on the European market). I cannot see another bailout happening, but rather some kind of creative "buy out" happening. Resources Greece has looks to be sold off (l see it like an auction??) and that money will go back into the economy. I also see their government being forced to "sweep" some money from the higher balanced banking accounts.

I actually don't see the EU as being as worried about saving Greece as they are about protecting the other countries. It is more about how to NOT allow Greece to cause harm to the other markets, and HOW to help Greece in a way that isn't more loans (hence the "auction" and buying things for pennies on the dollar). The EU realizes that Greece cannot pay the debt as outlined in these newer bailout plans, and Greece agreeing to the terms only prolongs further damage to Greece and the EU. [They EU doesn't want Greece to agree to any bailout either..]

Q. What is going on with the other world economies, specifically the dollar, stock markets and precious metals?
A. Every time a country has economic trouble it reinforces that a reset of sorts needs to occur. I see the IMF (working with the UN) really pushing to get a world currency that they (the IMF and UN) have control over. The issue with Greece is making the IMF close to getting this pushed through. The hardest part of the new currency is the transition, and that is what is being discussed. I see it isn't an issue of why, but rather the when and how..

The dollar is still volatile. I get an image of it floating like a bubble, and nothing is holding it up. It only holds worth because people look at it as having value, but the dollar itself is truly worth nothing. Then I hear that something is only worth what someone is willing pay for it.. and we pay and do work blindly in exchange for it (the dollar). Again, I see the Christmas tree, and see that if the current time line stays in effect, something significant will happen this winter.

Stock markets look (and I hear the word, "cautious"). It is as if everyone is on edge, and just waiting and watching. I do see a plunge tied to the Greece event, and it takes a while to recover. [Don't live in fear, but watch what is going on around you, and do what resonates with you.]

Precious metals.... I see a flip flop happening when the dollar finally starts to crumble. These metals have been suppressed for so long, that once the dollar is publicly known (without doubt) to have failed, the price will go much higher. I see that gold rises slightly, but silver will at least double if not more (physical silver, not the paper certificates).

And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-

Tunisia Attack and ISIS

Q. Hi Lynn, would it be possible to do a reading on the shooter at the latest Tunisian atrocity were nearly 40 people were killed and many injured.? I understand that ISIS is behind this or claims to be, and their backers are the UK and USA, Most of the victims are British and find it hypocritical of our government to put the flag at half mast. Please, what is your take? Many thanks.
A. I first get that the term "ISIS" has essentially supplied the world with a scapegoat term for any type of terrorist activity. It is as if almost anything can be done, and then blame it on the term "ISIS." It doesn't even have to mean that the act itself is carried out by Britain or the US (which I always see in my mind as the root of the ISIS sources). Then I get that the first countries to report and confirm an act as being carried out by ISIS are in reality (in some subliminal way) saying "IS US." I also get this is why the president has a hard time saying "ISIS" and chooses the word "ISIL" because he understands the underlying mind trick being used by this term.

To go a little deeper into this attack on Tunisia, I see it really being carried out by some Israeli group using "ISIS" for a cover. I also get that all these countries know the "real story" of who is doing what, but play along for the "sake of the people." It is easier to hate one group than go into several issues with several different countries. Israel wants some kind of support or backing, and is trying hard to make it happen by getting people on their side. Then I hear that "the enemy of your enemy is your friend," and that is the thoughts going into this. I see Israel as being in a tough spot right now and is trying hard to sure up alliances.

And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Dr. Bradstreet's Mysterious Suicide

Q. When you have time, would you please read this report from "Russian Intelligence" and post your thoughts? As a mom who likes to keep up on the pro/cons of vaccines (and that you have suggested we avoid vaccines in relation to Jade Helm, if I recall correctly), I was concerned when I read about Dr. Bradstreet's suicide and how the relatives have set up a GoFundMe account (as well as his office being raided, and then he committed suicide immediately afterward-maybe he knew too much?) to find out the truth of his death. (Absolutely no one who knew him believes he would have taken his life.)
Thank you so much!
A. I first get an image of a man and he is reading, writing, basically taking very detailed notes. My impression is that he started to read up on the topic of vaccines, how they interact with your body and also long term effects from an educational standpoint. That initial research led him down the path of the adverse effects of vaccines. Once he was led down that path, I see some kind of obsession with it. Like he learned something new, and couldn't stop. I also see many sleepless nights tied to it (he looks to be just tossing and turning). It looks like he stumbled upon a truth that he didn't want to believe because it felt so disturbing, but yet had to believe it.

He realized there is more to vaccines than what we are told. They (meaning vaccines) were intended for the greater good, but there are a lot of things to consider that we aren't being told. Then I hear the phrase that "they are willing to sacrifice the few to protect the many." I understand this to mean that most people do not have an adverse reaction to vaccines and the chemicals put in them, and the government would rather have a larger slice of the population protected against things such as measles than to relay the truth of the outcomes that can happen resulting in reactions to the drugs (ie the vaccines).

I get that Dr. Bradstreet understood all of this. He researched it thoroughly. I also get he was wanting to publish something in regards to this, and he was respected enough that people would listen, and the government wanted it shut down before he could do "any more damage." I get he was confronted and told to stop, and Dr. Bradstreet refused, which ultimately got him killed.

Q. Why is the government just be honest and allow people to make their own choices regarding vaccines?
A. I then get again, "they are willing to sacrifice a few to save the many." I also get that if they truth came out many people would elect not to get vaccines. The government also doesn't want the liability, nor do pharmaceutical companies, therefore, they keep it quiet.

Q. Who really killed Dr. Bradstreet?
A. I get that somehow his research went through [or to] the CDC, which was forwarded on to someone else... That someone else flagged down a group (I want to say CIA) which hired a hit team to "convince" Dr. Bradstreet to stop. When he refused, there was type of scuffle, and ultimately he got shot at very close range. It was set up to look like a suicide.

And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. It is 8:17 AM. Love and light- Link to Live Reading